AWARD | Dr Dave Colangelo received an SCMS Award

AWARD | Dr Dave Colangelo received an SCMS Award

The MAB-Team would like to congratulate Dr Dave Colangelo, MAB20’s Program Chair – his book The Building as Screen: A History, Theory, and Practice of Massive Media (Ameterdam Press, 2020) has received the 2021 SCMS Anne Friedberg Innovative Scholarship Award

The Anne Friedberg Innovative Scholarship Award recognizes the best new scholarly work that exemplifies rigorous, interdisciplinary, and theoretical inquiry into issues of vision and visuality.

This year’s committee members were Mark Gallagher (Chair), Erica Stein, Kara Andersen. In their report, the committee noted,

“the winning title was a consensus choice that all on the committee ranked highly and were pleased to champion.”

A representative from the committee will make the formal announcement of the award during the awards ceremony, presented during the SCMS virtual conference this year, March 17-21, 2021.


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