Call for Workshop Proposals

Call for Workshop Proposals

We are looking for people who are excited about the role of media and technology in the urban environment and want to share this excitement with an interdisciplinary audience.

The Media Architecture Biennale is a biennial event, featuring workshops, a conference, and an exhibition that attracts interaction designers, lighting designers, architects, artists, researchers, and industry practitioners.

The workshops at the Media Architecture Biennale are an interactive, dynamic forum leading up to the conference and exhibition, that offer an opportunity for exchanging ideas, forming communities, sharing knowledge, inspirations, getting in touch, prototyping, and networking.

The next Media Architecture Biennale – originally planned for the fall of 2020 – will now take place on June 28th – July 2nd, 2021 in Amsterdam and Utrecht. We welcome workshops in academic research, art, and industry themes.


Important dates

  • Deadline for submission: 21 February 2020
  • Notification of acceptance: 16 March 2020
  • Workshops date: 28-29 June 2021


Preparing your submission

To submit a proposal for a workshop, please provide a 2-page proposal (ACM Extended Abstracts format) that includes:

  • Workshop title and theme
  • How your workshop integrates with the Media Architecture Biennale
  • Target audience
  • Type and format of audience engagement (e.g. co-creation, theoretical, prototyping, etc.)
  • Workshop length (half-day or full-day)
  • Rough schedule draft
  • Materials required
  • Deadline for participants’ expression of interest (if applicable)


Send your workshop proposal as PDF via email to by February 21, 2020.


MAB Theme: Futures Implied

The theme for the Media Architecture Biennale 2020-21 is Futures Implied. The following themes are of specific interest:

  • The Aesthetics and Poetics of Responsive Urban Spaces: Media architecture that contributes to a sense of place, deepening citizens’ understanding of and attachments to local sites, and making them more legible, imaginative and inclusive.
  • Citizens’ Digital Rights in the Era of Platform Ecologies: Media architecture that articulates public values and allows citizens to govern through digital platforms, rather than be governed by them.
  • Playful & Artistic Civic Engagement: Media architecture that enacts people-centric interventions through which citizens themselves learn, negotiate and create innovations through play and games.
  • Restorative Cities: Media architecture that enables societies to regenerate socially, ecologically, physiologically on multiple levels, from the individual to the city as an entity of systems.
  • More-Than-Human Cities: Media architecture that embraces the well-being of the natural ecosystem as a whole.


More information & Contact

For more information about the theme, see our curatorial statement.

For inspiration, please have a look at the workshops held at MAB 2016 and MAB 2018.


Workshop Chairs

Luke Hespanhol, The University of Sydney –

Marius Hoggenmueller, The University of Sydney –


The Media Architecture Biennale 2020-21 is organized by the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences in collaboration with Utrecht University.

Executive Committee & General Chair: Martijn de Waal, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences; Frank Suurenbroek, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences; Nanna Verhoeff, Utrecht University; and Michiel de Lange, Utrecht University. Program Chairs: Dave Colangelo, George Brown College Toronto; and Ava Fatah, Bartlett, University College London.

Download the PDF of this call.