MAB Awards Nominees & Winners

MAB Awards Nominees & Winners

The Media Architecture Biennale Awards celebrates outstanding projects at the intersection of architecture, urban design and planning, media and interaction design.

For our 5th call for the MAB Awards, we are glad to have received over 100 submissions from all over the world and we are truly impressed by the quality of the submissions – making a decision was not an easy task for the jury members. Winners will be announced during the MAB Awards ceremony, which will be live-streamed during the MAB20 on July 2st, 15:30-16:30 CEST. A selection of projects is also featured on the Media Architecture Catalogue, a digital compendium of outstanding projects that define the state of the art of built Media Architectures worldwide. 

The nominees and winners for the 5th edition of the MAB Awards are: 

Category: Animated Architecture

>> WINNER <<
The Digital Bricks
If These Walls Could Talk…


DAZZLE | San Diego International Airport
Zero Energy Mediatecture


Window into the seas
The ocean in the city


Category: Participatory Architecture and Infrastructures

>> WINNER <<
SP_Urban Arte Conecta
Collaborative festival of artistic transmission in residential urban spaces during quarantine.


Interactive media facade


Citizen Dialog Kit

Starting Conversation at Places That Matter

Category: Spatial Media Art

>> WINNER <<
104000 luminescent stones remember 104000 Holocaust victims


Variegation Index
Media art installation taking live photosynthesis data from plants


Wervel – Turmoil

A flowing 20-metre long, double-sided video led-sculpture


Category: Future Trends and Prototypes

>> WINNER <<
Novartis Pavillon

A zero-energy media facade


An Urban Robot For Hybrid Placemaking


Uptown Underground
A geographically accurate view of the cityscape above a moving subway train, projected onto its ceiling, as it moves under New York City


Category: More Than Human Architecture

>> WINNER <<
Touching Night Skies 50°06’44″N 8°40’36″E

An immersive public art installation challenging peoples perception of the illumination of public spaces


Highlighting the beauty of agriculture


Immersive and interactive digital nature experience in the airport



The MAB20 Awards Jury Members:

Special thanks to all the jury members for their involvement in the evaluation process.

Martijn de Waal, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Frank Suurenbroek, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Martin Tomitsch, University of Sydney
Ava Fatah, University College London The Bartlett
Hank Haeusler, University of NSW
Tanya Ravn Ag, Tanya Ravn Ag
Chang Zhigang, Central Academy of Fine Arts Beijing
Glenda Caldwell, Queensland University of Technology
Luke Hespanhol, The University of Sydney
Marius Hoggenmueller, The University of Sydney
Dave Colangelo, Ryerson University
Martin Brynskov, Aarhus University
Filippo Lodi, UNStudio
Jason Bruges, Jason Bruges Studio
Jan Edler, realities:united
Susa Pop, Public Art Lab
Juan Carvajal, Media Architecture Institute
Gernot Tscherteu, Media Architecture Institute
Tac Lion, Media Facade LTD