MAB Student Awards Nominees & Winners

MAB Student Awards Nominees & Winners

The Media Architecture Biennale 2020 (MAB20) invited students to send in their projects for the MAB Student Awards. We especially encouraged submissions that addressed the MAB20’s theme of ‘Futures Implied’ and demonstrated the implications of media technologies for urban development, the design of our public spaces, and the well-being of the ecosystem at large. 

We received over 100 submissions from all over the world and we are truly impressed by the quality of the submissions – making a decision was not an easy task for the jury members. Winners will be announced during the MAB Student Awards ceremony, which will be livestreamed during the MAB20 on July 1st, 15:30-16:30 CEST. A selection of projects is also presented in an online exhibition displayed on the MAB Student Awards website


The nominees and winners for the 1st edition of the MAB Student Awards are: 

Category: Aesthetics and poetics of responsive urban spaces

>> WINNER << 
An Emotion-visual Interactive Immersive Installation


Navigating People Safely Through Public Places


A mind needs it’s body
Connecting digital & physical educational environments


Category: Citizen Rights in the Era of Platform Ecologies

>> WINNER << 
Connecting Limanarkasi
An Urban Experiment with the concept of Stitching


An illustrated representation of the hidden materialized digital society


Observation Lab
Pavilion of Tracking Sensations


Category: Playful and artistic civic engagement

A multi-channel installation for the gallery, the home, classroom or outdoors, which tells the cautionary tale of hummingbird classification and AI


>> WINNER << 
Social Painting – Embrace the differences

An interactive projection space that leads to reflection of discrimination


Shape-Shifting Architecture
A project on user-responsive kinetic design of urban open spaces and their impact in redefining the Ammani Urban Pockets


Category: Restorative Cities

>> WINNER << 
BRIC (Build – Rotate – Interact – Connect)

A bench-brick that breaches barriers


Infrastructural Gardens
Making Moravia’s landscape visible


The Glo-cal Experience
Reviving Tourism & the Global Economy Post COVID-19


Category: More-Than-Human Cities

A Socio-spatial Experiment on Transitioning Towards Post-capitalist Future
An exploration of radical imagination, converging theories and contexts into a vision of an alternative future


NOTHING EXISTS INDEPENDENTLY – how trees communicate
A responsive installation for public urban spaces


>> WINNER << 
Welcome to the Ü-HOOD
New to the City? Get Connected


Special Mentions

Here but when: The archive across space and time 
An interactive network of spatial information augmenting the present configuration with ones from the past through various levels of accessibility.


Human-centred intelligent architecture for the future of automated cities


Feature detection and targeted advertising
User reactions to the use of targeted-advertising based on face-detection and feature-detection in the wild