For this keynote session, we are glad to feature a presentation by Cameron Tonkinwise, international expert in design studies and transition design, and Research Director of the Design Innovation Research Centre at UTS. His presentation will be followed by a Q&A session moderated by Martijn de Waal, Professor at the research group of Civic Interaction Design at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences and MAB20 General Chair, and Martin Tomitsch, Professor of Interaction Design and Director of the Urban Interfaces group at the University of Sydney Design Lab.
All sessions of the MAB20 Program will be held via Zoom, recorded, and made available on our online conference platform after each session. All recordings will stay available on-demand for MAB20 attendees until August 1st. More details about the keynote presentations, speakers and moderators are described below.
Cameron Tonkinwise
Vision-led Transition Designing: Making Abundance Legible
The shift to Distributed Energy Systems as afforded by renewables is already causing problems for infrastructures and worldviews structured around scarcity. Media Architecture will be needed to help people navigate this Transition, but the practice will need to become bolder than its Society of Spectacle lineage.

Cameron Tonkinwise
Keynote Speaker
International expert in design studies and transition design, and Research Director of the Design Innovation Research Centre at UTS

Martin Tomitsch
Professor of Interaction Design and Director of the Urban Interfaces group at the University of Sydney Design Lab

Martijn de Waal
Professor at the research group of Civic Interaction Design at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences