30-minute talk show sessions live from the studio at Pakhuis de Zwijger with special guests looking back and ahead at the highlights and various themes of the MAB Program.
This session features Iskander Smit reporting on the “Subversive Citizen Manual for the More-Than-Human City” workshop. Tom van Arman will talk about the MAB-partner Marineterrein and its living lab for the exploration of new urban technologies. At the end of the session, a short video by Astrid Magnus will be shown that demonstrates a game developed by researchers in Utrecht that lets players envision, experience and reflect on the sustainable city of tomorrow.

Astrid Mangnus
PhD researcher at the Urban Futures Studio and the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development

Iskander Smit
Lab director at Cities of Things Lab TU Delft, innovation director INFO, chairman ThingsCon

Morgana Braga
Morgana is the Communications Manager at MAB20 and at the AUAS – Civic Interaction Design Research Group

Nanna Verhoeff
Nanna Verhoeff is Professor of Screen Cultures & Society in the Department of Media and Culture Studies at Utrecht University

Tom van Arman
Tom is an architect & urban planner that uses data as a design tool to create more social and inclusive cities. In 2010 he founded Tapp, an award winning smart city design agency enabling local governments and industries to become leaders in the bottom up digital revolution